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The item(s):

• Galactic Geode
• Stardust
• Full moon Core & Heart
• Harvest moon Core & Heart

• Blood moon Core & Heart

Galactic Geodes

Galactic Geodes are found whilst mining stones in the Resource Overworld. There's a 0,5% chance that a geode drops when you're mining stone, andesite, diorite, granite, tuff, or deepslate. When you a geode in the air, it can drop the following:

• 90% Chance for a Stardust
• 6% Chance for a Full moon Core
• 3% Chance for a Harvest moon Core
• 1% Chance for a Blood moon Core


Stardust is one of the 4 fossils you can get from a Galactic Geode. Stardust is currently only used for crafting Full Moon Hearts. You need 8 Stardust per Full Moon Heart.

Full Moon Core & Heart

Full Moon Cores are used to craft Full Moon Hearts. You need 1 core & 8 Stardust to craft a Full Moon Heart (see image below).

You can use this heart on the Full Moon which can be found at /serverwarps > moons. When using this moon heart, you receive 1 random stack of buildblocks.

Harvest Moon Core & Heart

Harvest Moon Cores are used to craft Harvest Moon Hearts. You need 1 core & 8 Stardust to craft a Harvest Moon Heart (see image below).

You can use this heart on the Harvest Moon which can be found at /serverwarps > moons. When using this moon heart, you receive between 1000 & 9000 Points.

Blood Moon Core & Heart

Blood Moon Cores are used to craft Blood Moon Hearts. You need 1 core & 8 Stardust to craft a Blood Moon Heart (see image below).

You can use this heart on the Blood Moon which can be found at /serverwarps > moons. When using this moon heart, you receive 1 out of the 27 Celestial Collectibles (more info below)

Celestial Collectibles

When using a Blood Moon Heart, you'll receive a Celestial Collectible. Within these Collectibles, there are 3 collections of armour, tools & weapons; Mercury, Venus, and Mars. In /star > celestial collectibles you're able to see your collection so far. Once you collect all 27 of these, you're eligible to claim the Celestial Reward. In this reward bundle, you'll find 3 cosmetics:


