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Earn Crystals

Crystals are the earnable-only currency, which you earn with the following:

• [SHADOW+ ONLY] Auctionhouse: Sell items on the auction!
• Crate: The Common Crate has a 30% chance of giving you +10 Crystals and a 7% of giving you +25 Crystals.
• Eliminating mobs: There's a 5% chance that a hostile mob drops +1 Crystal.
• Kits: The weekly SHADOWSPIRITUALETHEREAL & IMMORTAL kit all give +50 Crystals per kit.
• Kits: All earnable one-time kits have +250 Crystals. Except for IMMORTAL, because this one gives +500 Crystals.
• Playtime: you receive +5 Crystals for every 1 hour of playtime (AFK does not work).
• Rewards: Some of the rewards also give some Crystals.
• Voting: You receive +10 Crystals for every vote!

Use Crystals

Now that you know how to earn Crystals, let me tell you what you can use them for:

• [SHADOW+ ONLY] Auctionhouse: Buy player items at the auction. (/auction)
• [ETHEREAL+ ONLY] Heads Shop: Buy decorative heads from the Heads Shop. (/heads)
• Crystal Shop: Buy items in the Crystal Shop. (/crystalshop)
• Claims: You can buy more chunks or rename your land. More info on claiming can be found here